Past Funds

Below you can find a year-by-year breakdown of who won The Pitch, their reaction at the time and information on the other finalists. To watch the result of their pitches go to Films.


The Pitch 2024

Drama Our Child, from Anatole Sloan and Maddie Dai’s comedy, Jael Drives the Nail, are the winners of The Pitch Film Fund 2024 Awards. This year’s Lucy Scher Award goes to Olga Thompson for Stavros & Demetra.


The Pitch 2023

Comedy award winner: Carolyn Goodyear with Till Death Do Us PartDrama award winner: Jake Falconer with Alice


The Pitch 2022

Comedy award winner: Denise Deegan with The Innkeeper
Drama award winner: Silva Kuusniemi with Stump


The Pitch 2020

Winner: Oneikeh Campbell with Five Thousand Stars


The Pitch 2019

Winner: Paul Holbrook with Hollow


The Pitch 2018

Winner: Luke Bradford with White Gold


The Pitch 2017

Winner: Ben Cohen with Queen


The Pitch 2016

Winner: Harry Lighton with Go Home
Runners Up: Henry Steedman with A Dog Called Duncan, Nour Wazzi with Trespass


The Pitch 2015

Winner: Vanessa Perdriau with The Widow’s Last
Runners Up: Hannah Lee with Hagar, Paris Zarcilla with Pommel


The Pitch 2014

Winner: Andy Toovey with Only Child
Runners Up: Kelly Holmes with Attrition, Justin Hirschorn with Cassie


The Pitch 2013

Winner: Aurora Fearnley with Pulsar
Runners up: Nic Crum with House with Teeth, Alex Marx with Fingers


The Pitch 2012

Winner: Simon Cookson with The Light
Runners up: Aurora Fearnely with Acappella, Carolyn Goodyear with Betrayal


The Pitch 2011

Winner: Tim Bassford with The Black Scholes Conspiracy
Runners up: Jodi De Souza with Humble Beginnings, Carolyn Goodyear with Machaerus


The Pitch 2010

Winner: Rob McLellan with Rahab
Runners up: Tim Bassford with The Havilah Project, Carolyn Puntis with The Other Side


The Pitch 2009

Winner: Simeon Lumgair with Derelict
Runners up: Gavin Bryce with Three Days, Daniel Parkes At the Eleventh Hour