A Little Taste of Heaven

Created by Evy Barry, The Pitch 2018

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We’re all an interesting contradiction inside and larger than life chef Momma Cherri Bee is no exception. While she belts out soul and creates heavenly food from her magical kitchen in an angel’s café, she is also harbouring a painful, dark secret. After years of denial about abandoning her newborn baby on the streets, guardian angel, Gabriel has a plan to make her face her past. He arranges a birthday party for her where she meets mortals again for the first time in years and discovers she is not the outcast she thought she once was. When fresh-faced delivery driver Joshua sits down and shares his unusually heart breaking story of being a nowhere boy, she suddenly realises he is her son. Unable to face her shame, she hides in the toilet and has to be coaxed out by Gabriel before bravely confronting what she did. Instead of receiving anger and hate from Joshua, she finds only love and forgiveness. This gives her the strength to share her story with the whole room and finally leave the café for good for life in the mortal world with her precious son.

Biblical Connection

This fantastical tale features the uplifting themes of personal transformation, reconciliation and love. It’s inspired by the amazing story of the Woman At The Well found only in the Gospel of John. It’s a fascinating story because Jesus throws the rulebook out to help an unnamed Samaritan woman who he asks for a drink at the well in Sychar knowing full well that Jews aren’t supposed to speak to Samaritans or for that matter men address women without their husbands present. Although she won’t initially admit she’s been sinning with a man who isn’t her husband and become an outcast because of it, Jesus is able to gently expose the truth in the same way that Gabriel does with Momma’s secret child. What both women learn is that rather than their mistakes dooming them forever, suffering through an uncomfortable situation like a birthday party or a difficult conversation with Jesus, can be redeeming. In fact both women experience such a turnaround in their feelings about themselves, they each find the strength to share their stories with their communities and so transform their relationships with other people and their credibility at the same time.