The Last Supper

Created by Dario Cannizzaro, The Pitch 2024

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Cafe Zion is a family-run restaurant in ancient Palestine; Nibhaz, the patriarch, has lost his touch since his wife passed away, and is constantly fighting with Elijah, his eldest son, who wants to innovate and fight the delicacy that the Romans brought - Pizza. They are one meal away from permanent closure, but receive a last lifeline when apostles Paul and Peter choose the place as the location for the Passover meal of Jesus Christ himself. Nibhaz, Elijah, and the younger Enoch will have to answer to dietary requirements (\"What? He doesn\'t eat meat?\") and peculiar requests from the Superstar with lots of followers (\"He asked for one very long table, for artistic reasons\"), as this might very well be their own Last Supper. Esther, going behind her father Nibhaz, will strike a deal with her forbidden lover - a Roman soldier - for the money required to buy ingredients. Due to the lack of resources, they\'ll run out of wine and bread - forcing Jesus to split one loaf among all of them, inadvertently creating the most iconic moment ever. In the end, the publicity that follows the event will help their restaurant resurrect from the dead.

Biblical Connection

The last meal that Jesus shared with his apostles is described in all four canonical Gospels. But what about the perspective of the people that served him the last meal? The emotional core of the Last Supper is a message of hope; of finding hope while everything around you changes, while outcomes seem impossible and bleak. I thought that having the family restaurant be in a similar hopeless situation would create an emotional resonance with Jesus\' message of hope; The family is witnessing a historical moment, and yet are caught in their own drama, which is a righteous one as well, as their livelihood depends on it.
 As the main event is unfolding, the unique drama of the family - their own Last Supper - mimics the despair and renewed hope; the restaurant is facing death; the family will be separated; and yet, through faith and hope, they will \"resurrect\" and thrive.